A few days ago
asked this question.My first instinct was to answer it with a list of tasty external achievements. Get hired to paint a mural, hit a monthly income milestone, maybe a few more paid subscribers.
On the surface those felt like the “right” answers because we tend to look for the tangible outcomes that prove we’re getting closer to our image of success. After I sat with the question for a few minutes to dig a little deeper, I realized that chasing external outcomes is one of the most reliable ways to lead yourself into frustration.
I’m done with focusing on the things that are out of my control, I want to put my energy into the things I can control. My own inputs.
That’s how I got to my real goal for 2025: To take more shots.
I’ve invested lot of time into what I call “hermit life.” This isolation taught me discipline and led me to my core values. It gave me a closer look at the type of person I was and showed me a path to the type of person I want to become, but it’s also kept me out of sight.
As safe and comfortable as a hermit lifestyle can feel, it can also create a disconnect between us and important things like community and contribution.
It took a while for me to see it but I realized that my growth potential hit a ceiling. I understand now that if I really want progress I need to be of service to someone other than myself and my immediate family. The only way to do that is by showing up more, creating more, and actually using the tools that I’ve been quietly sharpening for so long.
Taking more shots doesn’t just mean producing more work, it’s about learning to be prolific in all forms of creativity. Allowing myself to iterate, experiment, explore, and make mistakes along the way.
I want to give myself more opportunities to connect with other people, to find my audience, and to frolic into new ideas with ease and grace.
Instead of force and expectation, this goal is rooted in surrender and trust. I trust that the process will generate it’s own momentum because it already has. I trust that when I focus on disciplined and consistent inputs, the outcomes will take care of themselves. So whether it’s a scribble, an essay, or a garden project, I see every act of creation as planting a seed.
If you’ve spent any time in a garden you know that not every seed will grow. But the more we plant, the more chances we have to cultivate something meaningful.
My plan for 2025 is this.
Let go of the obsession with perfect outcomes. Instead, commit to the beauty and uncertainty of the process.
Take more shots. Not because every one will succeed, but because each one will move me closer to the life I want to live—a life rooted in service, connection and creative flow.
The progress that I’m seeking doesn’t come from waiting or strategizing, It comes from action, especially imperfect action.
I wont be chasing results this year, I’ll be planting more seeds, trusting the process, and inviting everyone to recognize the beauty in our attempts instead of just waiting for the payoff.
If you are a creator, leave me a comment and let me know what shot you plan to take next. Tag me in a post or an update, I’d love to see how things develop.
Thank you for being with me on this journey, and if there’s anything I can help you with, please don’t hesitate to reach out and connect.
May 2025 bring us all more life, more joy, and more prosperity.
I needed to hear this!
You’ve expressed an approach that really resonates with me.
“Instead of force and expectation, this goal is rooted in surrender and trust. I trust that the process will generate it’s own momentum because it already has. I trust that when I focus on disciplined and consistent inputs, the outcomes will take care of themselves.”
My shots:
Game Writing/Design = Make the games I want to play.
Art = Be OK with my art and other creations—just get them out there.
Work = Ask for the position that you want (even though it doesn’t exist). Show them what it is, that it’s necessary!
Substack has given me so many gems for looking at this new year in a different light, this piece included. I am going to take more shots! (This might of been intended to be a sports reference, I don't know, but I am singing it in the voice of Lin Manuel Miranda.)